Divine Echoes

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72 Hoorain Movie Review: A Powerful Exploration of Extremism and Manipulation

Rating: 3.5/5

“72 Hoorain” is a thought-provoking film that reinforces the notion that extremism offers no positive outcomes. Director Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan skillfully navigates this delicate subject matter, presenting an innovative and captivating narrative that serves as a satire. The story revolves around two deceased individuals, Bilal (played by Aamir Bashir) and Hakim (portrayed by Pavan Raj Malhotra), former fidayeen terrorists who seek a proper burial to gain access to heaven and the promised companionship of 72 virgins

The film excels not only in its unconventional plot but also in the exceptional performances of its lead actors. Pavan Malhotra delivers a fantastic portrayal of Hakim, infusing the character with remarkable mannerisms and tonality that add a distinct flavor to the film. Aamir Bashir matches Pavan’s energy with dedicated effort in his role as Bilal, although not reaching the same level of excellence. Director Sanjay’s skillful direction is evident in various scenes, such as the truck accident involving the protagonists’ lifeless bodies or the intense moment when a woman attempts suicide before an approaching train. With complete control over the subject matter, he orchestrates these sequences with finesse.

“72 Hoorain” draws inspiration from real-world events, crafting a narrative that captivates the audience. The film’s black and white aesthetics effectively depict the lost souls of the protagonists, while the use of red color in balloons, umbrellas, and clothing adds an intriguing visual element, reminiscent of Steven Spielberg’s iconic film, “Schindler’s List.” The exploration of the manipulation of ordinary individuals in the context of terrorism creates a powerful impact, shedding light on the futility of mindless killing and the manipulation that can occur under the guise of religion.


“72 Hoorain” is a thought-provoking film that successfully conveys the message that religious extremism yields no positive outcomes. With its innovative narrative, exceptional performances, and skillful direction, the film effectively engages the audience and sparks introspection about the consequences of extremism in society.

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