“Yaariyan 2,” starring Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri, and Pearl V Puri, directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Supru, is a remake of the beloved Malayalam film “Bangalore Days.”
The film follows the lives of three cousins – Laadli Chibber (Divya Khosla Kumar), Shikhar Randhawa (Meezaan Jafri), and Bajrang Das Khatri (Pearl V Puri), who share a close bond. They all move to Mumbai for various reasons, facing new challenges and changing dynamics in their lives. The story delves into how they navigate these transformations and find happiness amidst the chaos.
Positive Aspects:
“Yaariyan 2” is heartfelt and carries a meaningful narrative, evoking nostalgia for simpler times. The film’s conflicts resonate with the audience, and its songs are a pleasant addition. Despite a misleading trailer, the film manages to deliver a reasonably engaging story.
Negative Aspects:
The film’s major drawback is its length, especially in the second half, which feels like a tedious slog. Tighter editing could have significantly improved the pacing of the film. The screenplay appears scattered, and the quality of the dialogues leaves much to be desired.
Acting Performances:
Divya Khosla Kumar portrays Laadli Chibber with reasonable effectiveness in her timid character. Meezaan Jafri’s performance as Shikhar Randhawa is dependable and praiseworthy. Pearl V Puri shines as Bajrang Das Khatri, delivering a compelling and emotionally resonant performance, particularly in heartbreak sequences. Yash Das Gupta’s portrayal of Abhay Singh Katyal is marked by restraint and authenticity. Anaswara Rajan brings sweetness and charm to her character, Ikrooh Awasthi. The return of Warina Hussain is a welcome sight, and the supporting cast delivers decent performances.
“Yaariyan 2” could have been an enjoyable, filmy Bollywood film, but it is marred by its excessive length, particularly in the second half. Despite this, the film features redeeming performances and good songs, making it a decent watch for those who appreciate the classic Bollywood charm and melodrama.